Gifts Given Freely

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There is more than one way to give a gift.  You may choose to control the situation in which you give the gift or even to decide whether the recipient of the gift is worthy.  Although the gift may do someone else a great deal of good, it does very little good for the giver.  […]

Gifts Unlimited

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The gifts we have are meant to be given.  The ways in which our gifts are expressed are often limited by our own ideas about how they should be used.  Do you play the violin?  If you do, you could play the violin in an orchestra, in an ensemble, in solo work, in teaching and so many other ways.

How to Create a New Life

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Every morning is a new day and every morning offers us the chance to create a new life.  When we learn to value the power of internal perception, we understand this principle.  You are shaped, not only by the emotions you feel, but by the emotions you hold.  It is difficult to create a new life, when internally, you are holding on to old emotions.