Each one of us is unique, not only in personality, but also in purpose. Meditation is a great tool for knowing yourself and finding the purpose in your own life. The teachings provide information which can assist you in moving through any blocks you may be experiencing and helping you to create the life you truly want to live.
It is my belief that we come into this life with the pattern for becoming our true selves. As we experience the stresses of life, we may forget who we truly are and become fearful. Healing our lives is not so much a process of becoming better as it is a process of remembering who we truly are. In that remembering we are restored and the pattern of our lives becomes clear. It is through that clarity that we can truly begin to experience the power we have to create, to love, and to know peace and balance in our lives.
Just as there are laws of nature, so there are laws of energy. The teachings will tell you about these natural laws and how to use them in your own life. The meditations will help you to incorporate this knowledge more deeply and spiritually.
This website will provide you with meditations and teachings which cover a variety of issues which we all encounter. Each month there will be a section called Lightnotes which covers a new topic. A sample teaching and meditation are available on the website. It is my hope that these teachings and meditations will enrich your life as they have enriched mine.