What’s Driving You in Your Life?

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It’s good to know what’s driving you in your life. If the things that are driving you are fear based, you are living your life in too constricted a way. Your spirit and your natural energy are not being well served. This is not to deny that life has demands we must meet, but it is to say that we need to be aware of the energy in which we respond to those demands. Many times the simple activities of life are the best teachers of this lesson. When you get up in the morning and brush your teeth, you do not tell yourself that you had better be fearful if you don’t, you simply brush your teeth knowing that it is good for you to do that. We can actually make the things we need to do in life harder or more difficult than they need to be. We may accidentally be adding fear to situations which don’t actually require a fearful response. When you pay attention to your responses and make better choices about those responses, then you are choosing what’s driving your life. That is a better and happier way to live.

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