Past Regrets

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Imagine the freedom you would feel if you were able to release past regrets. There is a relatively brief moment when you learn about your choices and what they created. You can easily identify whether your choices had positive or negative outcomes. It is easy to consider the choices you made which created positive outcomes, but harder to simply consider the choices you made which created negative outcomes. Often consideration of negative choices becomes a part of a larger and more dangerous pattern. You might begin to connect your personal value with a negative decision, dwelling on what that choice means about your worth. When this happens, you interfere with your own personal freedom to create because of the negative energy you bring to new decisions. Make a practice of filling yourself with love, examining the negative situation for information and choosing to move forward, free of the negativity of the past. It is, in spite of what you might feel, a personal decision. Nothing is more important on your path than you and the life you are here to create. Create that life in love.

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