The Power of Displacement

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We are in a time where power is being misused, truth is being made insignificant and abuse is falling on areas of life which should be protected. In this moment, we may not be able to stop these things from happening, so the question arises, what can we do? The answer lies in the power of displacement on many levels. The truth must displace lies. Misuse of power must be brought to light. What is vulnerable must be protected. Our voices must become strong and displace the voices of darkness.

It is not a time to try to control those who misuse power, rather it is a time to use power for the good. When you know what is true, speak what is true. Deal fairly with everything in your own life and ask for that same fairness from others. Take care of yourself and others, especially in areas of vulnerability. The Universe takes care of ultimate outcomes, but we have the power to support what is good and kind and true every day of our lives. Respect yourself for what you love and what you support. This storm will pass, and at the end of the storm, you will be happy about yourself and how you supported what is light and let that light displace the darkness.

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