The Happy State

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Much of what we believe about being happy is not true.  Most of what we believe about being happy is based on a system of beliefs which allow or disallow happiness.  If, for instance, we believe that happiness is only allowed under certain conditions, we are the prisoners of a false belief system.  There is often a conflict between the intellect and the emotional consciousness we all carry.  If you have been taught that you cannot be happy if someone you care about is unhappy, you have been taught incorrectly.  Empathy and compassion exist very well with personal happiness.  The range of things you are able to feel simultaneously is quite expansive if you are willing to allow it.  Even after a very challenging time, you can look at the beauty of the sky and ponder the wonder of creation and feel happy, even exhilarated.  Open your consciousness to the power of your own emotional capacity.  Put down the judgment and pick up the happiness.

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